Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thought I'd share my opinions of the books I read.

I am an avid reader and even though I have some favorite authors and series I am loyal to, I am always looking for something new and interesting to read.  I assume there are more people like me out there, so I thought I would start sharing my thoughts and recommendations of the books I read.  Feel free to comment back or make recommendations of your own for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey avid reader. I love to read also. I find that I am into fiction, paranormal. I enjoy reading Charlaine Harris' books. Unlike the tv show, True Blood, her books are good reads. I love how she develops the Sookie character through this series. I enjoyed the Twilight series, books and movies. I have always been a Jacob fan (sighhhhhh, if only I were 18). Faith Hunter has a series that I have been reading for a good while. I just got her latest, Raven Cursed. This is in a series called Jane Yellowrock novels. Jane is a shape-shifting skinwalker and a vampire killer. Yep, I read this stuff. I really enjoy the twists and turns that the author takes to keep you interested. Good luck with your blog dear.
    ..Cindy F
